ROAD SAFETY AUDIT (RSA) services offered
Stage 1 Audit: Feasibility and Planning
- Identifies safety problems associated to overall project concept.
- Covers road networks, geometric standards, provision for others users, access control, environmental considerations and route options.
Stage 2 Audit: Draft (Preliminary) Design Stage
- Identify the safety aspects and design requirements as to the best practice and guidelines of the authorities.
- Identified the design criteria, the layouts, inclusivity requirements and stage development of project.
Stage 3 Audit: Detail Design Stage
- Examine the design decisions toward the objectives.
- Audit the features until the road safety items identified and resolved.
Stage 4 Audit: During Construction / Pre-Opening Stage
- The traffic management.
- Three dimensional viewing of the placements and detail.
- To ensure the desirable road safety standard shall be met.
- To cover any changes or modifications until completions.
Stage 5 Audit: After Construction / Existing Stage
- Identify the safety problems and hazards due to the 'wear and tear' from the traffic operations and the evolvement of the landscape.
- Inspections towards inadequacies in road delineation and visibility.
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